about Marc Hijink

Marc Hijink (1969) is a financial reporter and technology columnist for the Dutch daily newspaper NRC. He covered ASML and its technology for more than a decade and reported on Europe’s role in the tech war between the US and China.

Building upon this experience he got the unique opportunity to take a three-year-long deep dive into the company’s operations and unveil its culture from the inside.

‘Focus – the ASML Way’ is an autonomous venture, made possible in part by the Dutch Fund for In depth Journalism (FBJP). ASML did not financially contribute nor did it interfere with the book’s content.

Before joining NRC, Marc was the editor-in-chief of the Dutch edition of PC Magazine and ZDNet and was a reporter at De Gelderlander. He studied at Radboud University in Nijmegen, and mastered in Communications and Journalism.

Photo by Bob Bronshoff